Video Games good or bad | Teen Ink

Video Games good or bad

May 2, 2022
By Anonymous

The first Video game was created in 1958 and made by physicist  William Higinbotham. It's called tennis for two. It was put on display at the Brookhaven laboratory on October 15, 1958 

It was similar to the game pong.  Today I will be talking about video games and the benefits of playing them.

My first point is that video games can help people make new friends. According to Geico's living benefits of video games in kids and adults are written in 2022 by Geico. Video games can help you meet new people when playing certain video games. You can play online with new people that you don't know and would normally never talk to but playing the game can help you communicate with other people to get the win or beat the level just by communicating. communicating can help you work together with a team by informing your team about someone or something in the game. That's how games can help you make friends 

My second point is that video games can teach you problem-solving. Some video games can have puzzles in the game and it can help you with your problem-solving skills by trying to solve the puzzle information from video games can help you build strategies to beat the next boss or defeat the other team. Some video games can challenge your brain according to Geico living benefits of videogames in adults and kids written by Geico 2022. video games can increase your brain's gray matter which can help with your muscle control and that's how video games can help learn problem-solving.

My third and final point is that video games can help with your mental health. Some video games can help get rid of stress for some people. Video games have helped people with “mental disorders like ADHD anxiety and depression”  said by webmd article by Dan Brennan last updated 2022. some video games can help cope with failing because in lots of video games you might end up failing so then the player has to redo the level and it helps you push forward and that's how video games can help with mental health. In this I talked about how video games can help with making friends they can help you with problem-solving and they can help with mental health. Video games have been played for many years and have influenced many people from the first video game to the newest video game video games have changed some people's lives and that's why I think anyone should be able to play video games 

The author's comments:

Video games have influenced many people's lives.

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