Personal Essay | Teen Ink

Personal Essay

May 22, 2023
By Anonymous

One person I can say that has influenced me and my life greatly is my mother. Me and her have also been together since day one and we were the only ones that were truely there for each other after my dads passing, she´s taught me everything I know and made me the person I am today and I know no matter the situation good or bad we will always still be there for each other. One place that comes to mind that I think about is the time me and my family use to spend down in Salem my original home town, I remember knowing every single person in town mainly just because of how small the place his but it was a close netted community and family, I have plenty of fond memories from that place but also regret and sadness from past events with my father and falling outs with all friends but it taught me to be strong and reliable on myself. If I had to think of an object that represents me and that is sentimental I would immediately think of my silver chain, it was a gift from my amazing girlfriend and I love it not only for style but for the constant reminder she cares for me and is thinking of me and I usually never go a day without it on. If I had to think of values that are important to me and that I would want to be shared is to just be not argumentative or disgusted with people when you don´t argue but be curious about the others feelings and their values, I feel respect is important and the first step to having a relationship or even just a good safe work environment, if you remain curious it allows people to communicate in a respectful mannar and both parties still feel heard and understood no matter if the conversation leads to a common ground.

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Personal Essay about people who have impacted me and shaped the person I am along with some personal experiences and advice.

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