A Child Trapped in a Storm | Teen Ink

A Child Trapped in a Storm

November 4, 2023
By Anonymous

In a house on a quiet street, a child’s world was defined by their parents' perpetual disagreements. The arguments were haunting lullabies at night, and exhausting disparities of their mornings. But divorce was an unspoken word, it would never be an option.

So the child grows up with the relentless turmoil. Their fragile soul in the middle of the storm, chips away at every raised voice and bitter exchange, leaving behind scars. Scars forever etched into their heart. The days drag on by, and still, there is no sign of a resolution. 

The child likes to sit in a corner of their room. It allows them to be alone with their thoughts. The child wishes for peace. Maybe one day tears and screams will be replaced with laughter. But the silence following each argument is only another reminder that the heavy winds and thunder hasn’t set. They may never see a light at the end of the tunnel.

So that’s the story of a child trapped between the never-endless storm of their parents’ battle, a tale with no happy ending.

The author's comments:

My set piece is about a child who can’t escape their parents constant bickering. It’s a never ending cycle and they feel trapped. I decided to write about this, because these past few years, I’ve noticed how my parents constantly argue and make a big deal out of the smallest things. There is usually tension and more arguments for a few weeks after the big one. I think it’s definitely taken a toll on my life, I usually feel stressed and don’t know what to do when they fight. But I’m too scared to tell them how I feel, so I usually just avoid them so that their moods don’t worsen. I made my set piece a little more dramatic, but I think it helps get the point across. In my piece I used a lot of imagery in order to describe the child’s feelings in a deeper way. I also use a few metaphors.

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