I Hate Spring | Teen Ink

I Hate Spring

December 18, 2023
By elanakavanagh BRONZE, Ada, Michigan
elanakavanagh BRONZE, Ada, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I hate Spring. Not the metal coil, the dreadful season which comes last in my order of favorite changings of time. I understand my opinion can be very controversial in the eyes of some. Every time I express my hate for the period between Winter and Summer I always seem to end in some sort of verbal battle with whomever I’m talking to; but, no matter how hard my opponent tries, my opinion has never been altered. I will always prefer Winter, Autumn, and Summer over Spring.

Some say Winter is “too cold” and Summer is “too hot,” implying Spring is the perfect in-between, but this logic is deeply flawed. The temperatures do begin to rise around the time of April, but with that comes brown slush covering the roads and never knowing whether to wear jeans or shorts. This in-between period only makes me miss my steady stream of white snow, and long for the feeling of laying on a boat with sun rays beaming off my face. 

Spring drew the short straw in terms of national holidays, one of the reasons why I love the other seasons so much is because of the joy I get from celebrating miscellaneous occasions. Summer gets Fourth of July, Labor Day, and Memorial Day, Fall gets Halloween, and Winter gets a plethora of holidays— my favorite being Christmas. But Spring only takes ownership of Easter, which is the most boring in my opinion. Of course, it’s fun to see family during Easter; but, I’ve never been fond of eating dry ham, dying eggs in weird colors just to throw them away, or making small talk with relatives that I hardly know, but who seem to know every detail about my life.

Of course like every other high schooler, I hate to see Summer go and feel the brisk Fall air of yet another school year starting; but this turning of time has its benefits. Classes are at their easiest peak of the year, it’s the season of my favorite sports, corn mazes and apple cider are suddenly the only things occupying my thoughts. But unlike the beginning of Fall, Spring brings a fraction of the excitement. Spring break is always a great time of year, but arguably the worst period of time from an environmental perspective, millions of people choose to vacation during this time which only adds more carbon into the atmosphere. After Spring break, we’re left with two months of the worst time to be in school. The newly shining sun calls us outside, yet we’re cooped up in a school building with AC from the 70’s. The only thing to look forward to during this time is the end of school, which brings along dreaded end-of-year exams and AP tests. 

Through writing this I realized I have a lot of different topics I could write about to make my reader understand why Spring is the worst time of the year, my Spring hate list really has no end. But of all the issues I have with the season, I never took a moment to wonder why I seem to be the only one who hates it this much. Could its root be my issue with change? I would never truly admit it, but new beginnings are really my enemy here, Spring represents just that. The time of year when flowers are in bloom, trees are growing their brand new set of leaves, and bears are coming out of hibernation, only makes me realize I’m scared of change in my own life. Ending my senior year of high school, choosing which school I wanted to spend the next four years of my life at, and deciding what on earth I want to do with the rest of my life. 

Maybe I’m jealous of the ability Spring has to change with ease, but should I really have so much hatred for that?

The author's comments:

I’ve had a passion for writing since I first learned how to put pencil to paper and convey my thoughts on a page. When I was younger I attempted to write a book and have my elementary art teacher illustrate it for me; this process made me feel this way again, only with less confidence. When I was in first grade trying to “publish a book,” I had the confidence of Shakespeare. Now as a teenager I’ve lost that sense of poise and nerve. But this process made me have faith in my creative writing skills once more. Rather than submitting work just for the sake of a school assignment, I’m actually submitting to a publisher in the hopes of reliving my first grade dream. 

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