Why I Want To Go To Italy | Teen Ink

Why I Want To Go To Italy

January 18, 2024
By Anonymous

I want to go to Italy because of the Eiffel Tower. Italy also has a lot of good foods. Pizza is a really great food that came from Italy. Pasta is also another food from Italy. They have different types of noodles and pasta sauces. They also have bread that is being made fresh and new everyday. The Eiffel tower is a cool landmark because you can climb it and you can take pictures of it. The Eiffel tower is also really big and cool. I want to go inside of the Eiffel tower so I can look down and see the whole city. I am scared of heights though. I also want to go around the city and see the lifestyle and all the culture around the city. I wonder if people dress differently there or if they dress the same as we do? An activity I would do when I am in Italy is hangout with my family and go to a European basketball game and see the culture in the arena. The worst part of the trip would probably be the boring, but adventurous plane ride home. The plane ride there would be intriguing but very long. 

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