How To Try New Things | Teen Ink

How To Try New Things

February 12, 2024
By Anonymous

“Like it or learn it,” Mathieu Pelchat says when asked about why he tries new things. Pelchat strives to try at least one new thing every day. When you branch out, you will either determine a new interest or realize a new distaste. For example, Mathieu tried matcha tea and realized he didn’t like it. If he hadn’t tried he would not have discovered this disliking. Mathieu prides himself on always experimenting. 

His mindset is an important factor when it comes to branching out. Keeping an open mind helps him to continue experimenting. He understands that things can go wrong, but that does not deter him. Pelchat believes learning more about yourself is important to connect your mind with your body. 

When trying new things Pelchat says he uses a “5 second rule.” This rule means he counts down from five; once he has, he has to go through with his plan. Encouragement is his greatest partner when it comes to discovery. He likes it when his friends and family or even sometimes strangers give him a little push of encouragement. For example, when he was in Los Angeles, his family ate at a Middle Eastern restaurant. He was hesitant to eat Yubra, grape leaves that are stuffed with meat. He didn’t know if he would enjoy it. His parents told him that this might be the only time he would be able to experience this level of cuisine. To soothe the idea he might never be able to do this again he decided to try it. He ended up loving it and eating more of them than his parents expected. 

The benefits outweigh the feeling of nervousness it can entail. Experimenting leads to development and actualization. Pelchat has developed new mindsets and tastes from testing different concepts. Whenever he tries a new food, place, or action he discovers more about himself.

The author's comments:

Our teacher assigned us to choose partners for this submission. I choose Mathieu Pelchat as my expert. I Interviewed Mathieu to figure out what he was an expert in. After deliberation, he said he liked to try something new at least every week. I thought this was interesting so I decided to write my how-to on that. Once I got information on how Mathieu experiments, then I created a rough draft. This essay was a little difficult because I was writing about someone else's experiences and not my own. This meant I had to keep interviewing my expert to fill in information gaps. I liked writing about this topic because I also believe trying new things is a great way to learn about yourself and develop your mindset.

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