Name Essay | Teen Ink

Name Essay

April 19, 2024
By Anonymous

When people hear my name, they think it’s weird. “Just Becca?” They ask. “Is that short for Rebecca?” No. Just Becca. My mom picked my name because she liked it by itself and thought it was so pretty. When she was ready to have children, she knew that she wanted a daughter named Becca. 

Growing up though, it was hard for people to give me nicknames, until Becky G came around in second grade. It started when my friend Gia and I thought it would be cool to mix our names together, thus becoming Becky G, our favorite singer at the time. No one called us this. Then, eighth grade came around where that name came back, but only for me. A handful of people started calling me Becky, —sometimes with the G too— and still call me this to the day.

I will never hate my name, and it helps that my mom loves it so much, meaning that I love it even more.

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