Kyles Korner | Teen Ink

Kyles Korner

January 11, 2010
By Kyle101 SILVER, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
Kyle101 SILVER, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
S*** happens

If you do not appreciate a hardy sense of humor, wildlife, the outdoors in general, and or highly opinionated one sided articles with little or no rhyme or reason supporting them, do yourself a flavor (intentionally misspelled so you all feel more connected as individuals) and flip the page. This corner will feature everything from the latest earn a buck regulation changes and protest sites all the way to comedic rants on random topics and questions posed by you and yourself. This edition, however, will be strictly informative as I feel, before I begin to rant, you all should be allowed a glimpse inside my mind. No, I’m not going to take the typical my mind is dark and frightening route, rather, I’ll follow the I’m no different than you except for a slight peppering of wit and delusion.
We’ll begin with things I enjoy. Aside from long walks on the beach, it should be clear to you now that I enjoy the outdoors and consider myself an outdoorsman. I also enjoy books involving the psychology of serial killers and the game of golf. Yeah, I know, they go hand in hand. Next on the list of things enjoyed comes underwater basket weaving and falconry. Look it up. While most students would prefer to listen to an iPod and music of their choosing, I prefer a police scanner.
Most days you can find me gallivanting about the school in the typical golf attire. For example, I believe I own a polo of every color, striped, solid, and or argyle. I typically sport the golf shorts to match. However, in the winter you can catch me in jeans and on rare circumstances a full gully suite.
Things I dislike include cake, slow drivers, and wicker furniture. Perfectionism along with loud chewing are other profound dislikes. There are few things in life which really rouse me but even so there are those few. The Chiai plant and the pet rock are some of those few things. Eventually you will garner the rest of the list through my various “korners” to come.
If you feel you have acquired some understanding of who I am you probably really haven’t at all. This is only the tip of the iceberg; the rest is still below the surface.


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