Fighting With Your Best Friend Again? Here's Some Advice. | Teen Ink

Fighting With Your Best Friend Again? Here's Some Advice.

May 20, 2010
By Anonymous

Ugh! It's one of those days again when you get home from school in a bad mood. You've failed a test that's worth ten percent of your grade, your parents are too busy for talking, and you're stressing out about the rest of your grades. All of a sudden you get a text message from one of your friends. It say: "We're not friends anymore! Don't talk to me every again!" You look at the text wondering what you did wrong. You have no idea. You reply back and your friend response with a: "You told Ryan that I went out with Blake. You promised me you wouldn't tell him! Backstabber!" You're fuming with anger and from there you all go at it.

What's a person to do when the person you've been best friends with your whole life suddenly turns on you? Do you A.) Stop being friends all togather?, B.) Talk it through in a calm toned manner?, or C.) Move to Canada and find a new BFF? Obiviously, you'd choose B. You wouldn't want to stop being her friend because you're to like sisters or somewhere close to it. You'd talk it out calmly in a reasonable manner. Not yell to the top of your lungs and loose your voice.

But what happens if you have a friend who won't listen to what you have to say? Well, you simply wait for a few hours or days until the person has clamed down enough to talk. Then you talk about it and hopefully resolve the situation.

Being best friends can be tough. It's a given that friends will fight. But what happens if you all keep fighting? The answer is to figure out the core of the situation. Try to figure out the main reason/reasons why you guys fight. If you can't come to a conclusion as to why, ask your friend. Maybe he/she can tell you the reasons behind the blow ups. Then try to work it out. If things get heated up during the discussion, it's probably not the best idea to stay friends if it's always going to be like that. It IS okay to let certain people walk away. It could be for the best.

Well, I hope my little advice worked for some friendships out there! If not, I'm sorry. But hopefully it does. :)

The author's comments:
My friend and I just got into an arguement and I felt like typing this thing up on how to become friends again for friends who are fighting. Maybe i should take my own advice, huh? Hahaha. Anywho, the events in this story aren't true. They were only used for effects.

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on Sep. 12 2010 at 5:19 pm
flutechick1234 SILVER, Summerville, Georgia
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Favorite Quote:
When life knocks you down to your knees, remember you are in the perfect position to pray.

This is really good!