Go Green | Teen Ink

Go Green

April 5, 2011
By victoriaswriting BRONZE, New York City, New York
victoriaswriting BRONZE, New York City, New York
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Not all those who wander are aimless."

Man. Animal. What's the difference? We are all sharing a world, a world that's heading for destruction. this destruction comes from within, it begins from the pollution we allow ourselves to believe, carry, and release back into the universe that might not be as complex as we believe. why do we carry these words? Words that can slice through steel, words that be blow and cause such anguish? We all have our inner insecurities, to be liked and not only liked, but accepted. Accepted for who and what we are, and accepted for the things we are incapable to changing. Now a days I am afraid we are all losing our humanity. Where is it during the suicides of our once peers? Why must we take back our words by the time it is too late?

The author's comments:
I would say this is poem, but more of a personal reflection of what is of all the teen suicides caused by bullying. I think its important, even if we do not find ourselves being the bully, that we sit back and review the situation, and how it affects us.

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