Being Teenagers | Teen Ink

Being Teenagers

December 18, 2012
By christie white BRONZE, Norwich, Other
christie white BRONZE, Norwich, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Teenagers face many obstacles on the way to becoming adults, getting out of the phase of fairy tales and realising the real world. Most of these years involve confusion, frustration and just thriving for things to go right.
Love? Friendship? Family? Everyone has different things going on, some over-reactive and some things, deep, that no one would ever know about.
Trusting too much, one of the most painful things a teenager goes through, liking someone, and knowing you’re not liked back, getting mixed feelings a very main thing, someone telling secrets/gossip, doing things which change who you are or how your recognised as, because of these little things, which seem so bad at the time, makes teenagers do the stupidest of things. Turning to things for help or relief, drugs, alcohol, harming yourself, smoking, making them think ‘what the hell’ and not caring about them or how there affecting anyone else, the attitude most teenagers have..
Being attracted to someone can be exciting, anxious, overwhelming, upset, happy, wondering if they feel the same for you. If you ask them out and they refuse you may feel rejected. You may be concerned that if people find out whom you're interested in. Some people are so worried about this that they find it difficult to start having a relationship.
You may find that you’re only attracted to people of the same sex or only to people of the opposite sex.
Honesty; You also need to be able to show them who you are – let him or her know how you’re feeling and what you think about things. Good relationships involve speaking openly to each other. – The bad parts about this is, most teenage relationships don’t end well, be sure you never give someone your complete everything, because if they do leave, you’re left with nothing.
Trust and respect; Relationships shouldn’t make you worried or anxious about what the other person is doing, you should be able to trust them, and feel secure that they want to be with you. – you should never be forced or patronized to do something just because your partner wants to, before you make any rational decisions make sure you’ve thought them through and remember trust is the main thing in a relationship, ‘’a relationship with no trust is like a phone with no service, and what do you do with a phone with no service, you play games’’. With other people you can trust – You shouldn’t cut out friends, family or other important people in your life because you’re in a relationship. Make time for your friends and don’t give up on things that you do independently from your partners.
Teenagers nowadays worry too much of what people think of them, and think that having a relationship is everything. Loving someone is more than just a feeling; it takes over everything and is mostly all you can think about, being left or dropped, becoming emotionally damaged, not being able to trust anyone else the way you would of, over thinking – all this just by a teenage relationship, and you still have the rest of your lives to do this? Sort of depressing… or you could be one of the ‘lucky’ ones who don’t go through this, but you’re almost guaranteed to go through this at least once in your life.
Experimenting, trying new things, meeting new people, realizing who ‘you’ are, music...
A few of the ‘fun’ things about being teenagers.
Peer pressure, a main thing with ‘trying new things’ and ‘experimenting’, drug, alcohol, smoking, doing things you’ll most probably regret… and once you do these things, you want to do them more because ‘everyone’s doing it’ or it makes you look ‘cool’.. After a while, you could just get addicted, and then the matter of it just being ‘experimenting’ is long gone.

Music, a very popular thing with teenagers! All different types for different people, with most teenagers they don’t just hear the music; they understand the lyrics which in my opinion is why music is very big.
Being a teenager, is finding out who you are, once you get to a certain age you start questioning everything, what do I do? What am I? All sorts, the main things to remember are true friends, family, and what you like and dislike, because these little things have such a big impact on your life.
Why are teenagers the way they are? Change, you either love it or hate it, but usually both – hormones, dealing with change is stressful enough but when your whole body is changing and you don’t know what’s happening confuses everything.

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