Maybe Twice | Teen Ink

Maybe Twice

April 5, 2013
By hey_jude BRONZE, Goled, Colorado
hey_jude BRONZE, Goled, Colorado
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Maybe twice I've actually said what I mean. I don't like hurting people or being judged, so I don't speak. I used to though. Talk care free, but it was never fully care free. I cursed life in middle school and now it's in high school with me carried in my backpack for no one to see but me. Maybe twice I've had a real conversation with him, yet each day I carry him with me. I've never told him how much anger I have for him or how much hate and problems travel with him. Maybe twice I've actually said what runs threw my brain, unfiltered. Maybe I should stop putting everyone before me, but not some people. Maybe I should learn to speak, I should learn to talk. Maybe one day I will.

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