Negative Technology Impacts on Society | Teen Ink

Negative Technology Impacts on Society

April 11, 2013
By Anonymous

Most of us use technology everyday to get stuff done that we need to do. It would be hard to get through the day without using our technology because we depend on it so much. We always look at the positives of how technology helps us and never even think about how technology negatively affects our society. Though there are many positive impacts that technology has on our society, there are also many negative impacts that it has on our society today. Technology negatively affects our health and how much we exercise, our social skills, and can result in dangerous situations.

Although technology is fun to use and is helpful to us, we never really realize how much it impacts our health and exercise habits. Instead of going outside and going for a run or working out at the gym, we spend our time sitting on the couch and using social media or watching TV. People’s health is decreasing rapidly because of advancing technology. They spend more time on the computer, on their phone, or watching TV rather than exercising and staying healthy. There has been a rapid increase in obesity because of the use of technology. Approximately ten percent of preschool age children and fifteen percent of six to nineteen year olds can be considered overweight due to technology (Cespedes). Though the advanced technology really does help our everyday life, it has its negative impacts also.

By using our social media so much, it is rapidly decreasing our face-to-face communication skills. Technology is the reason for our lacking social skills between people. Instead of interacting face-to-face with each other, people turn to technology because they feel like texting is easier, not realizing it is destroying their social skills. The use of social media also does not help us develop skills to talk in front of people or crowds. If we were used to talking to people face-to-face to resolve problems or just to talk, then we would not have problems developing skills to talk in front of people. However, by always going to our phones or emails, we don not develop social skills that will help us in the long run. Adults show better social skills than teens because they practiced talking face-to-face before all of the advanced technology came out. Using technology also takes time away from family bonding. Instead of spending quality time with family, people would rather stay glued to their phone and text or use other social media websites. As important as family bonding is, this advancing technology is destroying this important quality time between families.

Although danger in technology may not affect most of us, for some people it can change their lives. Many people do not realize how dangerous the Internet can really be. There are so many different stories out there of people being killed due to using the Internet. People do not even think about what they are posting might get them in trouble. Posting there phone number or where they live may not seem dangerous to them at the time until something happens to them because they posted that personal information. There are also stories about online dating sites where someone talks to another person online without meeting them and when they finally meet, they are not who they said they are. When you are online, you can be whoever you want to be because people cannot actually see you and that can be very dangerous in some circumstances. By watching the news, you can see that there are many insane people out there who are looking to hurt people and technology is just another weapon for them to use against you.

Technology is a negative impact on the society today. It negatively affects our health and exercise habits. Many people become obese because of lacking exercising. It also destroys our social skills and face-to-face interactions with other people. Not only does it affect those aspects of our life, it can also result in a lost life because of Internet dangers. People can never be too careful of what they put out there on social media websites because it can come back and hurt you. Overall, this advancing technology is not helping the lives of our teens today and other generations to come.

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