Making the Worst Mistake | Teen Ink

Making the Worst Mistake

April 21, 2013
By madyboyer BRONZE, Boise, Idaho
madyboyer BRONZE, Boise, Idaho
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Making the Worst Mistake

Imagine that you are sitting at home on your bed, but you are at school. You have a robot as a teacher, so you don’t have to go to school, or get ready. Would that be a preferable future? It may seem that there are a lot of perks, but there is way more downsides with consequences’. Having artificial intelligence teaching kids in the future is the worst mistake our world could make. It is going to make a huge downfall, which everyone will regret later. That we caused, we are responsible.

First, children need interaction. Having a real teacher with feelings and life experiences is going to benefit the students. Much of what I learn from school is not just the education. I learn many choices that I know how to answer now and also know how to keep friends and be social. Without, going to school, no one would have any peers. Replacing technology with our educational instructors is losing the respect of being a teacher also. Going to college and infilling your brain with knowledge for years is hard work, and just thinking that a simple machine could replace any job you do in excruciating. Philosophers and scientists at Cambridge University even stated, “We are not the smartest things around anymore” (Will Hal and Pals). Our technology is advancing very quickly lately. If we don’t bring attention the important topic, our future student’s lives could be in jeopardy. Would many like to see them struggle because everyone was relying on technology to do tasks for us? For example, in the story “The Fun They Had”, Margie was a young student like most people have experienced before. But her school story was terrible because she had a robot for a teacher (Asimov). This could be very likely for our upcoming world.

Many may not even think twice about this subject. Us, ourselves rely on technology every day. In high school, it is becoming a trend to have robots grade the papers and check if the students are plagiarizing. Many use their iPods, iPads, and iPhones at a regular daily basis. We have all the information we need at a click of a button. Everyone is not so innocent either. The average person checks or looks at their phone 150 times per day (Alan). Secondly, that works out to be every 6 ½ minutes that the average person is awake (Alan). Everyone can go without it, if anyone wanted to pick what they needed for survival, our world’s first pick would be bringing their phones. That’s what the world has come to. Everyone is guilty because everyone relies on technology just like they do in the story “The Fun They Had”. If we stand up, and make a change, if everybody participates, we can make a difference.

Everyone can stop what Isaac Asimov predicted in his story by finding solutions ourselves. He predicted that everyone will all have robot teachers be 2157 (Asimov). Many may not care because it seems so far way and many or no one may know be alive by 2157, but I don’t want the future students to struggle because of our lack of caring and resistance to not use technology. As Isaac Asimov said in “The Fun They Had”, “It tends to be regarded, as a flasky concern but given that we don’t know how serious the risks are that we don’t know the time scale dismissing the concerns is dangerous what we are trying to stop is a respectful science community“ (Asimov). What Isaac is trying to convey, is that we should not let technology be let in so easily. So that concludes that right now, we need to prohibit using technology for things us humans can do ourselves.

When you imagined school at home what did you picture? I’m expecting not this. There are many downsides to technology, even though it provides us great information. We use it for many types of research, but our people are using it, just to do their science projects’. Now I hope next time you use technology make sure that you are not over using it. Having robots as teachers is where our community is heading; this is the biggest mistake our society could ever make.

Works Cited
Alan F. “Average Person Looks At his/his Phone 150 Times per Day.” Tech Central, 6, February 2012. Web. 6, January 2013.
Asimov, Isaac. “The Fun They Had.” More Encounters. Lincolnwood, III: Jamestown Publishers, 1995. Print.
“Will Hal and Pals Be in Charge In the Future?” Hamilton Spectator, 26 November 2012: A10. Newspaper Source Plus. Web. 5 January 2012.

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