Bullying | Teen Ink


April 30, 2013
By Anonymous

To Who this may concern,

Bullying happens in middle schools all over the United States and I’m writing this letter to try to raise awareness a little more and reach out to those middle school students who have witnessed or been bullied in the past. Bullying is never a good thing you here stories about kids committing suicide because they have constantly been bullied to the point of break. I want you guys to realize that this needs to stop. School is supposed to be a safe environment and if you have to worry about being bullied then it’s not safe. I’m not going to lie to you I got bullied a bit in middle school. It was kind of scary, but what I did was talked to a teacher right away and got things resolved. That’s all it takes sometimes. Just a simple conversation with a teacher and things can be better. So if you as a student are ever bullied or see bullying happening I encourage you to please do something about it. Yeah I can be tough but it’s the right thing to do. I am now a senior in high school and am involved in many great programs at east. Everyday I think back to how I went to get help while being bullied and it changed my life. I hope you will take some of my advice and put an end to this bullying once and for all. Lets make schools a safe place for everyone again.

A concerned high school student

The author's comments:
this is my take on bullying

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