Texting and Driving | Teen Ink

Texting and Driving

April 30, 2013
By bhall BRONZE, Duluth, Minnesota
bhall BRONZE, Duluth, Minnesota
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

To those who text while driving,

When you’re driving down the road at 50 mph and the iPhone in your pocket buzzes or beeps or sings or whatever the heck you have it do when you get a text message, reaching to grab it and try to send a response is never a wise idea! I realize it could be urgent, and you might have to send out that always important sideways smiley face, but it’s probably not that important. If you want to risk your life and others in the way, then go ahead and LOL at all your friends, because it actually cannot wait any longer. There are commercials specifically designed to scare people into realizing how dangerous this type of behavior can be. It just doesn’t make sense to try to send a text while traveling down the interstate. IT’S NOT THAT IMPORTANT. It’s likely that none of you are listening, I’m aware of the type of people you all are, you know that it’s not a very good idea, but you think nothing bad will ever happen to you. Maybe I’ll just pick up my phone and text you, that way you can get in an accident, and maybe not have to worry about it again, BECAUSE YOU’D BE DEAD. If you don’t understand this message, it’s probably because I didn’t misspell every other word, and use unnecessary abbreviations, or laugh out loud in the middle of a sentence. If you don’t want to believe me, by all means, continue what you’re doing, it’s not me that could easily get in an accident.

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