shoud people do the right thing | Teen Ink

shoud people do the right thing

May 3, 2013
By person12 BRONZE, Mundeein, Illinois
person12 BRONZE, Mundeein, Illinois
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

You could turn on the news and hear about the death of an adult or child, but you rarely hear about the people who were trying to help that adult or child. They’ll tell you about what the witnesses saw, and what exactly happened, nothing that tried to help them. Now a days people won’t act when they see a person being bullied, they either look away or just walk away. Then others think that they shouldn’t have to do anything because it’s that person’s problem not theirs, so why should they have to help them. People should do what they think is right no matter what the consequences are. I agree with this statement because it’s important to help others and make them feel like they matter to others

Most people won’t help others because they think that it’s not there problem, or they don’t want to be judge by their actions. In The Book Thief on page 401 when Frau Holtzapfel, the Hubermanns neighbor, said to Hans Hubermann “I knew it, you dirty Jew lover.” Hans gave a piece of bread to a Jew. This quote shows that people will be judged by their actions be they good or bad. Others choose to not act and look the other way so they won’t have to deal with it. Like Elie Wiesel said, one of the many survivors of the Holocaust, “… the pentagon knew and the state department knew, and they didn’t do anything about the Jews at the concentration camps.” Others don’t want to get in trouble if they make the right decision, in a high school in Florida a student was suspended, for disarming a gunman. One of the students said “It's dumb.... How [are] they going to suspend me for doing the right thing?” Then there are those who make the right decision for not anything in return.

There are people who help others without expecting anything in return, who will act out of the kindness of their heart, or they made a promise to someone, like Hans did. Hans made a promise to Max’s mom to help her whenever she needed it, and he took in Max when he arrived at their house. Max arrived at their house because he needed a place to hide because he doesn’t want to be taken to the concentration camp. Hans knew he would be killed if he took in Max. On page 394 Death, the narrator, said “… Hans Hubermann held out his hand out and presented a piece of bread like magic…” The quote shows that people help others because they think it’s right and the victims should be treated with kindness. Also in the book on page 440 Death says “…as she [Liesel] and Rudy Steiner, her best friend, handed out the pieces of bread on the road.” They did this because they saw Hans doing the same thing and thought that they should help the other Jews.

People should make the right decision no matter what the consequences are applies to our world today because many people don’t act when they see something bad happen they just look away so they won’t have to see what is happening. More teens should help others if they are in need of help or in trouble. If one your family members was in trouble would you turn your back on them or would you help them?

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