World Cries | Teen Ink

World Cries

May 9, 2013
By LOL_347 BRONZE, London, Other
LOL_347 BRONZE, London, Other
1 article 0 photos 6 comments

Favorite Quote:
this secret is so secret that the amount of secrecy out in to it cannot stress enough how secret the secret is.

I don’t know about you guys but I feel as if everyday this make belief list titled why the human race is pathetic is growing longer and longer every single day. Being a human myself I am assuming that you’ll understand how hard it is to say this but the truth is bitter and today I am feeling especially evil. And I don’t know about you people, again, but I feel thoroughly annoyed at the fact that some people feel like they’re the king of the world just because they have a shiny smart looking suit and a decent haircut and therefore that automatically grants them the right to do whatever they want whenever they want, however they want to whoever they want. I think it’s about high time we begin to ask ourselves why this is. And can it ever be resolved because my friends, I have no trace of sarcasm or humour when I say this, but these people are a problem that needs to be dealt with. Like the giant pimple that nobody wants. Moreover, especially now that we’ve hit 2013 I always find it hard to believe that we are in the state that we are in because of ourselves. We would think that by now in this era, day, and age we humans would have the basic capability of being able to take some correct decisions regarding the world but no! Just like all my dreams, even this expectation was trampled on by someone who thinks their better than me.
Imagine this world as a small classroom, and you know when there is always that one person out of everyone else who you are just itching to go home and brainstorm the many ways you could make furniture out of there bones about, are you thinking in this context? Good. Now apply this to the world, yes, exactly. It is very important for readers and people of teen ink to understand my sincere frustration at this and that’s why I would straightforwardly say that yes, this may be a rant but it’s a rant that is long overdue and needs to be heard.

Every single day I yearn to hear some khoosh khabri (good news) that makes my time on this world actually worth my while. And let’s face it, everyone’s time because when one of the superpower countries sneeze, the whole world catches a cold and this has been the case since the dawn of time. Unfortunately till date nothing of this manner has happened, and I have to be honest with you people, it’s really starting to annoy me to an extent where talking to my mother about marriage seems more appealing to me then switching on the news to see whether there’s a new Beiber in town. Oh joy. How is a kid supposed to grow up in a world like this and make a living if this planet is a fiery place that’s waiting to chew him up and spit him out in to the mess that many people have become these days?
A couple of weeks ago if someone was to ask me what caused the world to be in this putrid state and sorry excuse for a world, then I would have immediately answered with “politics”, because let’s just be honest here please, politics is an issue that has proved to be the root cause of many problems throughout the years.

I’m not trying to enforce any political views upon anyone but it has to be mentioned somewhere here that politics is a reason if not the biggest as to why we live in a world that has been reduced to this sorry state. But nonetheless, I find that it isn’t a couple of weeks ago and after having to endure a painfully long and completely pointless speech about my destiny from my dhost (friend) I have found that the reason why the world is like this is simply because of us crazy humans who have proved repeatedly, that we will never learn. Why do there be humans who have no mothers? Why there be humans who think they are better than others? Why do there be humans who have no sense of grammar? OVERALL, I suggest that maybe we stop every once in a while to ask ourselves, that if the world was an actual person and had a voice, what would it say? I’m pretty sure that it wouldn’t want nuclear explosions and warfare going on, people losing there mothers while others fail to notice that they have a mother, people resorting to murder, theft and whatnot as a means to survive while someone else is suffering from hunger, or poverty, or famine, or violence.
This world would cry.
Cry because a mother has to spend time with lowly and despicable strangers to earn just enough money to buy a single loaf of bread to feed a family of 12. Cry because every single time a gun shot is heard, 50 children die. Cry because 1 man decides that he doesn’t like Muslims, or Jewish people, or anyone from a religious or ethnic background, therefore he orders genocide. Cry because in some parts of the world woman in there twenties are getting pregnant, whereas in other parts of the world girls as young as 5 are bearing children, and what is left behind? 2 dead figures and a man who doesn’t have enough sense to respect a female or her human rights. Cry because as humans we can’t put our differences aside and work together for something great regardless of what race, colour, or gender we are.
Nowadays it seems like happiness is scarce, and can only be found in moments where destiny allows it to be. This planet has been reduced to a state where a Hello Kitty hair band found from the garbage becomes gold for a little girl and yet she can’t even have that. Or a boy getting bullied because he’s Asian, White, fat, Black, or has a strange accent which leads to him wanting to commit suicide. It seems like every single time a hint of happy news comes along in what seems like years but is really hours, is overshadowed and forgotten in that same instant when the news of murder or injustice comes along.

And then we find ourselves ignoring the most important people in our lives, the kind of people who would lay down there lives for you. We find ourselves questioning whether we need to smile back at an elderly person when they smile at us or wish us good morning in a way that our fathers never have. We find that we are too busy being ignorant that we fail to notice an old friend walk past us. To be frank, we find that we have lost the meaning life, what it means to really live. And then even the most hilarious of persons fail to make a crying man laugh, which would be a large predicament with people like Will Ferrell, Russell Brand etc walking the earth. I find that many would comment below describing my article as “overt the top” or highly “melodramatic”. Believe it or not, melodrama and over exaggeration is necessary because it helps us keep in touch with reality and in the reality that we live in such events do occur which yes, are sad and shocking but also seem to be getting worse and worse as time goes on. And who knows when time will end? If these international flaws are not a big enough wake up call for the people of the world to do something about it, then its time to ask ourselves that one question. This is a question that I have been thinking throughout writing this article while eating some pizza, and now that I have nearly finished writing this article I believe that now is an appropriate time to add this in. I didn’t know whether I was going to add this part in but now that I have written this much already I guess it would only be fitting if I did.

Is the human race great? And is it as smart and superior as many people claim it to be? Because if we are so smart and described as the “ultimate species” then why is it that we fail to create a solution for famine, for murder, for war? I understand that these are no small issues but by now we should have some inking of a plan that will begin a course of other steps which eventually solves these problems. Personally I think it’s because when humans learn to love they also learn to hate, and from that breeds feelings of jealousy, anger, etc, and it clouds the mind from the truth. Sometimes I wonder whether it would be easier if we had no emotions, no feelings, and see everything in black and white. Then when moments of discrimination are brought up we will not see someone who is white, black or Asian, we will just see another human being. But because that’s what we all are, as far as I am concerned anyway since lately I have been investigating the likelihood of whether my brother is a werewolf. Equality is something I have always believed to be something that unfortunately we will never be able to achieve. And therefore what it all comes down to is the fact that we all have a choice.
And to have the power of choice is no ordinary or small thing; it is something that only people who are lucky and have a chance of actually surviving in this world possess. As young people, I feel that we should take full advantage of this power of choice, because one day we may not have it anymore, the world may be in a state where freedom of choice has absolutely no meaning whatsoever. We have a choice to hold open a door for a complete stranger, we have a choice not to shoot someone, and we have the choice of whether we want to cheat in life or earn what we earn the truthful and correct way. You people had the choice of reading my entire article rather than stopping halfway which I both appreciate and admire, keeping this in mind I just very quickly wanted to add that lots of people say they want to live in solitude, but in actual fact, there is no one at all who can withstand it. As for being human, maybe we should just be a little more understanding towards each other, be more open and learn to trust a little; it is only when we suffer from loneliness that we understand the sadness of being alone. I used to grow up thinking that being able to understand how the other person feels is exactly what makes us human, but as I grow I find that not only have I started to confuse myself with this thought but doubt the legitimacy of it too.

In conclusion, the world may be in darkness now, and may continue to be so in the coming future but I still, and will always, have faith in the youth of today. Despite the fact that the older generation have pretty much ruined the world, and have unfairly left it for us to fix, there is a small part of me that believes one day we will live in equality, a place where gender, religion, race etc won’t matter. As long as we have people like the fine editor of teen ink (no intention of “sucking up” whatsoever), people like you who take the time out to read articles like this, and others who want to be somebody in life to change the world, or students from a school creating a documentary about genocide, then I think that we will be just fine. And on that day, if the world was a person and had a voice, it would laugh heartily and proudly at what the human race has achieved and I will regain that once strong belief that being able to understand others pain is what makes us human.

Thank you for reading my article. I hope you people enjoyed it and learned something. If you did then good on you, if you did not then I’m sorry but you get no refund. Overall, I have lots of faith in you people and hope that you can bring a change to the world. God Bless. And always remember, we just humans, nothing more and nothing less. What type of human being you would like to be is sincerely up to you.

The author's comments:
the topic of this article is something that has been bothering me for quite some time and it allowed me to form different opinions on different things, but mostly on the world and the people in it. i am mostly interested in the responses the articles get, so i would appreciate any contributions you make after reading this.


This article has 2 comments.

LOL_347 BRONZE said...
on Dec. 10 2013 at 10:20 am
LOL_347 BRONZE, London, Other
1 article 0 photos 6 comments

Favorite Quote:
this secret is so secret that the amount of secrecy out in to it cannot stress enough how secret the secret is.

youze be awesome. ticks and flees.

on Sep. 13 2013 at 10:21 am