Semi Colon | Teen Ink

Semi Colon

May 10, 2013
By Samantha Wolfram BRONZE, Elkhorn, Wisconsin
Samantha Wolfram BRONZE, Elkhorn, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The Semi-Colon

There are so many other ways to go, so many other alternatives, don’t take the easy way out.. You have made it this far and now you are going to quit? Why? All the good things that happen are gone now, no turning back. Everyone that cares about you is scarred forever, maybe. Just because you took the easier way out. Instead of trying to fix your problems, you end them, unfinished.

There are over 4,400 children under the age of 18 that commit suicide every year. Thats 370 kids every single month of the year that end their life with unfinished, unclarified business. Why they do this I could not say, but I do know, they are like,an unfinished sentence. They started that sentence and now, nobody will ever know the end to that sentence, more unfinished business. This is so unfair to the ones that are left with all the hurt and all the unfinished business, the ones who cared. Yes, life is unfair I know that, but how unfair can it get?

Some reasons for suicide are depression, they are psychotic, impulsive, their way of crying for help, a mistake they made, and bullying. All of these reasons have very simple resolutions but, they just don’t take the time to try and find those resolutions. They think that this is the end, whatever happened is the end. But, there are so many places, and people willing to help out those in need.They just need to reach out and take the hand that has been trying to help them.

Some easy alternatives are: talk to someone, get a structured routine, fix your problems don’t run away from them, and think of all you do have. You don’t want to end that for yourself, or others. One of the things I think would be effective, is go through all the problems or issues you have that are making you think this way, and fix them! Do not run away from them, fix them! This is one thing we learned in the elementary school, everyone has problems it just depends on if the person causing or controlling that problem handles it, or runs away from it. Running away may seem easier right now, but in the long run, it will come back at you. Don’t do something you may regret later..

There are so many people that help others for a living. Now, people just have to start to take the help they need. There arsuicidee hotlines such as 1-800-273-8255. Teen is a website you could visit. Also, you could go to a counselor about what is on your mind. It could be a school counselor, or a certified suicide counselor. Why people cause you so much pain, that you think suicide is the answer, is beyond me, but don’t let them win whatever game they are playing. Standing up for yourself and getting help shows how much stronger you are. There is nothing to be ashamed of. You should be proud of yourself, and so will others.

Stand up, get the help you need and hopefully someday, you can help others. You know how it feels to be put down, the real question is, are you strong enough to get back up? Don’t be that unfinished sentence, be a semi-colon. Semi-colons represent when a writer could have ended their story, but kept on writing. It may have been tough to find out what the right thing to say was... But, they didn’t give up, and neither should you.

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