The Selfie Generation | Teen Ink

The Selfie Generation

May 24, 2013
By PeterBarron BRONZE, Amagansett, New York
PeterBarron BRONZE, Amagansett, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

Our Generation, those of us born from 1998-1999 are lost, not so much lost to be forgotten but we have yet to be found. Every generation has had its purpose, from the generations that fought both world wars, to the baby boomers to follow. We live in a world controlled by Generation X (born 1970-1985) and soon to be run by Generation Y (born from 1986-2000). We are lost in the middle: Generation Y ½. If it was all based on dates we would be part of Generation Y.

Yet we are really Generation Z, different from those before us. We can learn from their mistakes, and be different. They have been greedy and irresponsible; Because of them we will have some of the biggest challenges in human history to overcome, because of them we will face a world without ice, because of them the rich are getting richer and the poor are only getting poorer, because of them we may live in a world without fish, and because of them we will have to face countless other challenges. We cannot spend our time blaming those before us we must act to fix what they have done.

As of now we are Generation Y. Greedy and selfish, that is what happens when we are young. It is our job to fix the world we live in. We must gain confidence and interest. Those before us that changed the world, Albert Einstein, Nikola Tesla, Stephen Hawking, they all wanted to find out the answer to big issues. I’m not saying grow up, I’m not saying to stop enjoying life. All I am trying to say is, those who act are remembered. Those who react are forgotten. We cannot be a forgotten generation.

The author's comments:
This is a speech I wrote for my 8th grade and all other 8th graders for that matter.

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