Limbo | Teen Ink


June 5, 2013
By MahamK BRONZE, Karachi, Other
MahamK BRONZE, Karachi, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I’m exhausted.
I feel deflated.
My hands are trembling, not out of anxiety, nervousness or anything of that sort. I just feel useless, futile and completely worthless. I don’t feel like doing anything. My head feels heavy; the whole room feels like it’s caving in. I feel suffocated. It’s getting harder and harder to breathe. I claw at my throat, allowing any air to reach my lungs but I’m trapped. I start to panic and soon fall into darkness.
I’m falling. I’m falling. I’m falling into a dark pit that never seems to end. I spread my hands out in front of me, trying to grab at something- anything. Nothing seems to be in my reach. Exasperated, I let myself fall and the pit envelopes me even further.
Suddenly, my heart drops and I jolt upwards. My body tingling from the strange sensation and I realize I’m in my room again; the room where it all started. And then the cycle repeats again and I’m trapped once more.

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