The Kite Runner Review | Teen Ink

The Kite Runner Review

August 4, 2013
By Anonymous

The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini was rather a very riveting novel. This powerful story is a tale of odd friendships, betrayal, and redemption. This first person narrative takes place in Kabul, Afghanistan during the 1970s. Amir, a wealthy Pashtun spends his days with his Hazara best friend and servant, Hassan. They were inseparable and shared a bond unlike others. But Amir envied Hassan for the attention he received, leaving Amir in a position where he felt that he had to compete for his own father’s love and affection.

Amir, who constantly struggled for his father’s love throughout his childhood, finally succeeds on the day he wins the kite flying tournament. But this great victory was then followed by an unforgettable act Amir witnessed. Every day he kept this haunting secret trapped within his thoughts, his heart slowly darkens due to the pain he experiences. Knowing that he can’t tell a soul, this guilty feeling he goes through never seems to leave his past behind him.

This book contains some very mature material and is not intended for children. Some chapters you may find shocking and will make you cringe in your seat. I highly recommend this book to older teens, for it teaches important life lessons. The novel exposes some of the struggles people face in their everyday lives and how cruel the world can truly be.

Hosseini beautifully paints vivid pictures in the reader’s mind throughout the story. He describes the beauty Afghanistan holds, and how this beautiful country is stripped away from its Afghan customs and traditions due to the outbreak of war. Families are being torn, loved ones are dying, and no one feels safe walking down the streets of their home town. This tale about family, friendship, and loyalty is spine chilling yet sorrowful. You will experience many mixed emotions for the characters and their actions. They are so realistic; you can sometimes feel the anger, sorrow, and pain that lie within each character.

The Kite Runner is haunting, beautiful and painful. The secrets and shame told in this story are buried until they can no longer be hidden. All in all, this genuine story will keep you on the edge of your seat. There are many plot twists that will surprise you, making you not want to put it down for a moment. Hosseini did an extraordinary job writing this novel. It was well written and it was a true masterpiece.

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