We All Wear Masks | Teen Ink

We All Wear Masks

August 14, 2013
By Anonymous

No one can see them, but they are there, hidden from others. When we go out into the world they go on, but when we come home we take them off and become our true selves again.
Some become funny, some quiet, and even smart. We act like we are someone that we aren't when the masks are on, and sooner or later the mask that we put on will no longer be a mask, but a part of who we are. People who wear masks will no longer be themselves at all.
Why do we wear these masks? We wear them because we think that, maybe we will be excepted more with them on, than when we act like our true selves. We think that they make us better than we truly are inside and out.
We are better as ourselves though, many may not think so, it doesn't matter what others think of the true you. Only what you think of you, because we are all beautiful in our own little way.

The author's comments:
I wrote this because, I feel that I am different when I am at school and around my friends, than I am at home with my family. I hope that people who act like different people around their friends, will realize that they are perfect the way they are and if their friends don't like that then, they aren't true friends.

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