The Downfalls of Fortune | Teen Ink

The Downfalls of Fortune

August 19, 2013
By acomolli BRONZE, Hendersonville, Tennessee
acomolli BRONZE, Hendersonville, Tennessee
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The Great Gatsby is a wonderful novel. It is written by F. Scott Fitzgerald in 1924. The main character is Jay Gatsby and he resembles F. Scott Fitzgerald in many different ways. The two of them were poor, but became rich. They both wanted a girl that would not marry them because they were poor, but got them when they came into fortune. In the end, everything went downhill for both of them.

First, Fitzgerald and Gatsby became rich. Fitzgerald was poor, but had an interest in writing. He wrote This Side of Paradise and became famous overnight. On the other hand, Gatsby became a bootlegger, which is selling alcohol without registration or taxes. They both had a lot of fortune and they threw very extravagant parties. Although they both threw parties, they both had different intentions for them.

Next, both guys fell in love with girls they could not have. Fitzgerald fell in love with Zelda Sayre. They first met in 1918 when Fitzgerald was in Alabama at Camp Sheridan; he was in the army and poor. Zelda could not marry someone poor because her father was a Supreme Court judge, so they could not be together. In 1920, Fitzgerald became an overnight success, and a week later married Zelda. They threw parties to celebrate their fame and fortune. Gatsby fell in love with Daisy Buchanan when he was about to leave for World War l. She also could not marry him because he was poor, but promised she would wait for him to return. A few years later, Gatsby came back after bootlegging and was rich. He threw these extravagant parties in hopes Daisy would see he had fortune, and would show up to one of the parties. In the time Gatsby was away Daisy married a rich man, but when Gatsby returned, they had an affair.

Last, these men became very unhappy. After getting what they wanted they realized it was not good enough. Fitzgerald had a drinking problem while Zelda developed mental issues. Everything Fitzgerald tried to do after that to make his life better again, failed. F. Scott Fitzgerald died of a heart attack and left the world thinking he was a failure. Gatsby got the girl of his dreams, but she could not choose him over her husband. Daisy hit George Wilson’s wife with Gatsby’s car, and Tom Buchanan told Wilson that it was Gatsby. Wilson went to Gatsby’s house in anger, and shot him while he was in the pool. Gatsby lived in a dream world, and died never seeing the reality of his situation.

In summation, Jay Gatsby and the author F. Scott Fitzgerald are very alike. They both wanted a girl that would not date them because they were poor, they became rich and got the girls they wanted, but in the end they both died unhappy because of what their fortune brought them.

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