Being a cops daughter | Teen Ink

Being a cops daughter

August 19, 2013
By 50shadesoffdup BRONZE, Columbus, Ohio
50shadesoffdup BRONZE, Columbus, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Faith is looking with your heart when all your eyes can see is darkness.

Im a cop's daughter. I never realized how different my life was from other peoples. Not only am I raised different I also don't have the same choices as everyone else. I cant go out with my friends a lot. Im given time restrictions only going up to 4 hours. I also have to text him every 15 minutes ti check in. if im 1 minute late home im grounded for 4 days. Nothing is ever good enough. Everything I do is wrong or not good enough. It never used to be that bad but in the past fews years my mom left us for another man. So everything I do reminds him of her. We look a lot alike. my eldest sister also got into a lot of trouble as a teenager and got pregnant, did drugs and barely graduated high school. Im being punished for their mistakes. Hes never wrong and will not believe anything I say. He also likes to throw the bible in my face and say its not right the things I do. the thing is ive never done anything bad. Never touched a drug, guy or anything of that sorts. Honor roll my whole life and I take accelerated classes. Im known at my school for being a good smart girl but to my dad its like im the devil. Nothing I do is enough. I don't know what to do anymore. ive tried waiting it out for things to get better but its been almost 3 years. I feel like a caged tiger who needs freedom. I cant breathe. I cant sleep. I cant be ME.

The author's comments:
Im running out of hope....

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