The Heart of Heros | Teen Ink

The Heart of Heros

September 4, 2013
By Anonymous

Since I could remember my grandmother has been a very bing influence on me. She has always been a good person, never spoke down to anyone. In 2012 when I read The Hunger Games By Suzanne Collins I was amazed by how much Katness was like my grandmother. These two women both have strong hearts and are great influinces to the people surrounding them.

The hearts of these two women are so strong nobody can change them. Throughout the hole book you can see that Katness is caring loving person. That is all I have known my grandma to be. Since I was little she has always put her time and heart into me and my brother. Katness puts her heart into her family and friends. With a strong heart comes other strong emotions and beliefs.

In the world today many do not have morals. If my grandmother could teach the generation today how to have morals she would. Katness learned her morals from her father, as im suspecting my grandma learned hers. Katness tried to teach her sister whats right since her dad had passed. My grandmother is always trying to teach me and my brother what is right. She always saying “Yall need to change the world”. We try just for you grandma.

Surviving the Hunger Games is like overcoming a force in life that is evil and wrong. Making life worth something by changing others lifes is important to my grandma and Katness. Changing the world with a strong heart and good morals can only go so far. That’s why we need lots of people in the world like these to ladys. Changing the world for the better.

As I come to the realization that not everyone in this world can be good, I am thankful to have my grandma. Reading the book helped me realize that even more. I swear Katness and my grandmother grew up together. They have the same beliefs. Its always good to have people with big hearts and strong morals in your life.

The author's comments:
Its a comparision of my grandma and Katness

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