POP is awesome | Teen Ink

POP is awesome

September 5, 2013
By noseguard BRONZE, Chareston, West Virginia
noseguard BRONZE, Chareston, West Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Never, Never Quit


Pop is a book written by Gordon Korman he have written a lots of difference books he aspires a lot of people he is very famous near the beginning of the story there some one that dies in it and the football team it awesome and they are good and they make good and great plays and they awesome at football to and they won most of their games and I recommend this book to everyone and anyone who likes to read about sports or read about football a lot of people that read this book would like it

Because it talks a lot of about football and everybody likes to watch football and a lot of people also likes to play football because everybody likes to watch the game and they also like to play the game too football is a wonderful sport any people who reads about Gordan Korman likes his books because he interest people and a lot of people likes his books he is an awesome author and the football team in chapter 1 they are so good that they went to the championship and when one of their died they all was so sad but they win a lot.

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