Maximum Ride | Teen Ink

Maximum Ride

September 6, 2013
By aaron parsons BRONZE, Charleston, West Virginia
aaron parsons BRONZE, Charleston, West Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The book Maximum Ride was written by James Patterson. He has also written a lot of other books. Most of his books are best sellers. They also interest a lot of people which like to read books. He is an out-standing author he has a great mind to write books. He has earned a lot of awards for his best-selling books that he has written. And across the world people have read his books and have become very interested in them.

The book Maximum Ride is a Fictional book. It talks about a girl being captured and they do experiments on the girl. And there are others just like that girl and they try to save the little girl that is captured. They all have a set of wings, and they can also hide their wings by folding them. And on the way one of those girls had seen a girl getting hurt so one of the girls went down to save the stranger. And the girl that went to save the stranger got shot and couldn’t get a way that easy.

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