Feedback on Caught in 9/11 | Teen Ink

Feedback on Caught in 9/11

September 18, 2013
By IlanaDorfman BRONZE, New York, New York
IlanaDorfman BRONZE, New York, New York
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Feedback for Teen Ink “Caught in 9/11” by Sahej Suri

Since the tragic events of September 11, 2001 had occurred, many people have found it simple to discriminate and abuse those who have any resemblance to the terrorists of 9/11. And of course as most judgments go, appearance always comes first. In this case, Sahej Suri explains what it is like to be tormented for resembling one of the largest terrorists in the world, Osama Bin Laden. Before Sahej Suri even knew what terrorism was, he was being accused of being related to such a horrible person that simply looked like him. As Sahej Suri quotes in the article, “When I saw a photo of this man, I thought he looked just like the men in my family; he wore a turban and a beard just like my dad, the man who had my complete love and respect.”
Before he knew it, Sahej, along with many other children who looked like him, were avoided and bullied at all costs. Sahej was brought up in the Sikh religion , where people didn’t cut their hair, as they believed it was a gift from God, and wore a turban to keep their hair neat. Sahej Suri is one of the few brave people who was able to describe his experiences with 9/11 in ways other people could not. I admire him for speaking up against something that he believed was wrong, and telling his very own story in such an endearing way. This article made me want to stand up for those who are still being discriminated by the judgmental people of this world.

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