The Things I Carry | Teen Ink

The Things I Carry

October 17, 2013
By apontedja BRONZE, Temperance, Michigan
apontedja BRONZE, Temperance, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Dear Procrastination,

I just wanted to say that you have been the cause for my grades dropping as well as my home responsibilities not being fulfilled. I will no longer let you dictate my life. I need to fight you away and complete my tasks on time with effort. I'm sick of you being in my head and in the way that I think. You control how much effort that I put into a task and when that task is finished, which Is usually late or last minute.

For example last year when I had to read my independent reading book and complete the corresponding project. You took the form of friends and me actually being social to keep me from meeting the goal that I was trying to accomplish. I ended up hanging out with my friends instead of reading. This eventually lead to me trying to finish the entire book in three days and do the project in less than one .

You also take the form of my Xbox. I don't even know how many times that. This has kept me from doing something. You are responsible for countless incomplete assignments; and for what? A virtual realm where I can do practically anything while talking to my friends. It is pointless for me to do this before my work is done. It is also on me as far as the incomplete assignments go. I need to realize that school comes before fun, but it's so hard when the work is so boring. Especially when it takes over forty-five minutes at home.

You can take form of just about anything and I have now realized this. Whether it's the flat, black, glass-covered screen in my living room or the small hand-held device that is my iPod. There have been countless times that when I have something that needs to be done I find my self in front of the television. Although my television doesn't distract me as much as friends or my Xbox but it has distracted me from doing just as many tasks. My iPod has also distracted me from a significant amount of tasks. I remember my freshman year, when I first got it. Even then did it distract me, that was all that I did when I came home and as a result my grades dropped. Slightly, but they dropped and it was because of my IPod,

So procrastination, I wanted to say that I'm moving on and that you cannot rule my life anymore.
Sincerely, Dylan

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