Theoligies In the Hands of Misfits | Teen Ink

Theoligies In the Hands of Misfits

October 17, 2013
By rachaelmarie96 BRONZE, Ormond Beach, Florida
rachaelmarie96 BRONZE, Ormond Beach, Florida
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Love is louder than the pressure to be perfect." ~Demi Lovato.

One of the biggest mistakes anyone can make is to call the shots before they are even made, to believe in a predestined idea that they will not be able to achieve their goals and dreams, because of a miniscule obstacle. A slip of the hand and the drawing is ruined, to not be reminded of the endless possibilities and the main job of the eraser. The fate of the future lies in the hand of the quivering artist, to be drawn in perfection. But how can one expect perfection, in a figure that lies in the same place as the ant. A tiny figure in a world of big problems and little answers. Little answers that lead to false positives, and true negatives, to test the strength of our character which we have spent years building, as if it were a wall. Hiding behind our wall, it becomes a sense of comfort, to not let anyone in, to go along behind the masquerade of who we are, or who we think we are. We become so lost in continually fixing our wall, we never are able to fix the ones behind it. Laying broken and hurting behind our wall of serenity and solitude, we give our souls for the contentment of our flesh. Burying who we thought we were for the good of the person we are becoming. Throwing out the old versions of ourselves to fit the capacitation needs of the latest versions of ourselves. Forgetting the traits that we once downloaded to create the allusion that they never were. Covering the parts of ourselves that we didn’t want to remember to upload lies and masks of the people we are trying to be, leaving no trace of who we once were. Starting over and resetting our memory to only remember the wrong of those who surround us. Giving a notification of every lie and having a glitch when something decent that comes along is presented. We are taught to not appreciate what we have and look always at what we could have and who we could be and what we wish we were. Forgetting that throughout all the pain that we have suffered, we have become stronger than we even thought was possible. Breaking through every barrier that was thrown at us and never lying down to accept defeat. Heartbreak after heartbreak we rebooted ourselves and kept at it. But why? Why would someone put themselves through the pain of keeping on keeping on when they could take the easy way out and quit? Because through all the pain, tears, lies and everyone who told you that it was impossible and that you could not in fact complete the task. You did. That is the very reason you are still here today to live and breathe and enjoy the simple taste of air. To love and to be loved. Because after all is said and done. Without love, there is nothing. Love is the sound of chirping birds outside of your window in the morning. It is the music you listen to repetitively because you can relate to every note and the downbeat is what keeps your heart beating. It’s the moment when you have been waiting for so long to meet the precious baby, and they finally arrive. It’s a mother’s unconditional love for her child. Love is everywhere and there is no way around it. But without love we are, and have nothing. So with this being said. Always love unconditionally, forgive and forget, and don’t take the small things for granted because in the end they will prove their worth it vast quantities. Laugh until your cheeks and abs or protective covering start to hurt, and never forget to smile. Because a smile is all it takes to change the world.

The author's comments:
After everything I have been through, it would be a crime to not share it with my fellow teens.

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