Thank You, America | Teen Ink

Thank You, America

November 5, 2013
By Anonymous

Unlike the numerous Americans who are ashamed of government aid, “Thank You, America” by Jillian Medugno shows the true patriotism of an American. She starts off the article with gratitude towards our country. This is one thing I think that we should all be thankful for. I always hear people in our own country who call the nation “dumb” and “stupid,” when we should really be showing gratitude. Many foreign countries do not even have a say in their government. It is a privilege to be an American and I think that this article represented it very well.
I enjoyed reading this article because it makes me think twice about the huge amount of aid the government provides for us. It made me realize how thankful I should be to be able to become a citizen in this country. Jillian states, “Without [SNAP, Social Security disability, free school lunch, and state free health insurance] I would have no food, shelter, or health care.” Even I didn’t know how much America gives to families who are less fortunate.
After reading “Thank You, America,” I felt that I should also thank America. This nation gives us so much that we should be thankful for, not just taken for granted. I thank America for giving us rights, helping our financial issues, and giving us so many opportunities. We are the future that America has “been betting on for 17 years,” as Jillian says. Indeed, we are a good bet.

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This article has 2 comments.

on Nov. 13 2013 at 8:44 pm
Thank you so much for replying! I loved reading your article! Good luck at college!

on Nov. 12 2013 at 9:36 pm
jillianmedugno SILVER, Middleton, Wisconsin
5 articles 0 photos 5 comments
I can't believe I just stumbled across this! It means so much that you not only read, but were affected by what I wrote! Thank you, you made my week!