self-esteem | Teen Ink


November 8, 2013
By poundcake BRONZE, Marietta, Georgia
poundcake BRONZE, Marietta, Georgia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

My topic is self-esteem and I connected to transcendentalism through nonconformity, self-reliance, and confidence. A lot of struggling and quiet students have self-esteem problems, such as depression, think about do harmful things to their selves and many other tings.

Mostly in schools today many students are getting bullied and its decreasing their confidence little by little every day. Ralph W. Emerson once said " To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment." You are being a transcendentalist in so many ways if u follow this quote. Nonconformist by going against what everybody else is doing and do your own thing. by doing this you are also being confident; by being different. Self-reliant because most likely not many people are going to stand be hind you. Oscar Wilde said " Be yourself, everybody else is already taken." I personally love this quote because its so many people in the world love acting like someone their not and trying to be somebody else; especially in relationships. while walking in the hallways at school I notice that a lot people are different when around other people. I truly believe if people act like their true inner self then then the world would be a better place character; wise that is.

People who stand up for what they think is cool or right is courageous now and days because a lot of people just go along with the flow even if it against what they believe in. According to Criss Jami " A fool can do something cool and look cool, but it takes skill to make something uncool cool again." My mom tells me all the time that what we do now such as dancing, music (sometimes), and fashion is no different than when she was growing up. I believe her when she says it than forget about it. if you thank about it many people bring things from being uncool to cool everyday, season, and month.

Another way to improve your self-esteem is by self reliance. Lauren Oliver once stated " I'd rather die my way than live yours." If you die of yourself than you die happy because you did and accomplish everything you wanted in this life. If you die as trying to live as someone else life than you would regret your decision and leave this earth angry and mad. "To find yourself, think of yourself." said by Socrates. When you are looking for yourself, you find out things you like and don't like about yourself and the world; than your more likely to fix it. That's the same thing that will happen when you think of yourself also. So when you depend on yourself your more willing to stand up and speak out against what you feel is wrong.

People who stand up for themselves and their peers are some of the most courageous people on the planet. A person who has this in their personal make-up is a true non conformist. The people who follow this is courageous, confident, and self-reliant. As you can see self-reliance, nonconformity, and confidence to boost your self-esteem. It al depend on you on how you live your life and think of your self.

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