The death of me | Teen Ink

The death of me

November 8, 2013
By Anonymous

This pain that I hide it is unbearable.As I walk down this hall I start looking at the scars that are across my arms I begin to travel back to see if there was a time I was even happy at all.As I looked back there was no time when I was happy.I walk down Chattooga hallways knowing I have nobody.Nobody care weather or not I am alive or not.As I got home I begin to cut myself from my risks up to my elbows.I cut,cut,cut until I see blood dripping to the floor.I hear one of my neighbors daughter walking in only to find that I was bleeding.She saw that I covered with blood she only knew that she had to get a ambulance out there for me.She tried everything to keep me alive and awake til they got there but by time they got there I was already half gone.She picked me up and laid me in her lap as I whisper please let my family know that I love them and I hope to see them again.She laid her head on my and as she did I felt tears rolling down her face only to splash against my cheeks.She stay until my family arrived she told them what I had said.Everybody knows that I was a special person.When they finally pronounced me dead the kids of the school would release balloons in memory of me.

The author's comments:
I wrote this because I used to be bully alot so I had alot in common with people theses days

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