Paleo Diet: Healthier Lifestyle or Worst Than Vegans? | Teen Ink

Paleo Diet: Healthier Lifestyle or Worst Than Vegans?

November 10, 2013
By Julisanchan BRONZE, Bogota, Other
Julisanchan BRONZE, Bogota, Other
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The caveman diet or also known as Paleo Diet has been recent controversial health trend. This diet food range includes fruits, vegetables, eggs, nuts, meats, and seeds. The main critique is how the diet discards dairy, legumes, refined sugars, and grains. Many critiques wonder, why do you want to eat like someone who had a lifespan of 20 years? The other doubt is how can you have a Paleo lifestyle in today’s modern society? But are these outrageous claims supported by reliable evidence?

Claim 1: The diet discards two food groups from the pyramid

Nutritionist Melanie McGrice expresses how the diet is:

"… Nutritionally incomplete and does not reflect the vast knowledge we have today about our nutritional intake based on scientific reviews and research."

McGrice believes this diet lacks on calcium. According to The Daily Green, calcium levels are higher in sardines than a glass of milk. Sardines have 325mg while a glass of milk only has 306mg. The human needs an average of 1,000 mg per day. So tell me how this diet lacks on calcium?

McGrice also adds how it has too many ‘saturated fats’. I respect her opinion but the Paleo has monounsaturated fats. Monounsaturated fats (good fats) help weight loss, loose belly fat, and lower the risks of heart attacks. Saturated fats (bad fats) help raise our cholesterol and increases the chances of strokes and heart disease. My question is how can the Paleo diet have too many saturated fats when “saturated fats is present in … dairy” as stated by Fitness Magazine.

Claim 2: “Why adopting a diet from ancient times when the average lifespan around 20s?”

The Caveman Times states that “caveman people died from animal attacks, childbirth, and hypothermia, not because of their eating”. Apart from they didn’t have pills instead they had leaves and high hopes. We also have to take in consideration the fact that they don’t have as much facilities as we do. Caveman might have not had a long lifespan, but they didn’t have the same facilities we have.

Claim 3: How can you have a Paleo lifestyle in the XXI century?

Do critics really think that just because someone goes paleo, they will be hunting for there own food? It might require planning for making sure your getting the adequate amount of nutrients. For that reason there is thousands of websites that help you adapt paleo to a modern person life. The Paleo Diet is a great website for helping you get started. Apart of that it provides meals paleo approved, recommendations, benefits and much more.

The paleo may be criticized for what it bans, or the fact it resembles to caveman habits, but to me it’s a choice for a healthier lifestyle. This diet helped me feel lighter and happier, not guilty and heavier. Many celebrities such as Eva La Rue and Mathew Mcconaughey follow the Paleo Lifestyle. The CSI: Miami star Eva La Rue admits “Since adopting a Paleo way of eating I look and feel better, and I know that I am setting a good example for my daughter. In conclusion, paleo is not meant to starve yourself; instead it’s a way of having a healthier lifestyle while being a good role model at the same time.

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