Paths Taken | Teen Ink

Paths Taken

November 24, 2013
By hellotomyself BRONZE, Milpitas, California
hellotomyself BRONZE, Milpitas, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Never be bullied into silence. Never allow yourself to be made a victim. Accept no one's definition of your life; define yourself." Harvey Fierstein

During my yoga class in P.E., which I now officially call my “deep deep stuff” time, I let my thoughts wander while doing my breathing exercises. As I was taking deep breaths a question arose in my mind, “How do people end up so different?” My mind was pondering over this new question that came up. I thought about my peers. When we were younger, in kinder garden, we were pretty much the same. Our grades were the same, everyone was friends with one another, and I could hardly see any difference between me and my classmates. So what was it that made us so different now that we reached high school? How is it that some of my peers are doing speech and debate, community service, student government, and maintaining their near perfect grades? There are others that were in the same kinder class that are failing and cutting their class. Why are there class valedictorians, while others may have to repeat classes? When did we all start going on our different paths? When did we start separating into our groups of friends? After thinking about this for a while, I finally reached a conclusion. It is our choices, I realized. It is the small decisions on whether or not to do our homework and study. These small decisions added up and everyone started going on their own paths. Those that made the decision to do their homework daily and to study hard, ended up being at the top of their class and enrolled in honors courses. From this conclusion, I no longer believe in destiny. Destiny is something you shape with your own hands. It is something that is a result of the decisions you made in the past. The teacher instructed us to begin the yoga routine of the day. My deep thought time ended.

The author's comments:
It's surprising what a little bit of time to just think can do.

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