Feedback for Youth Lack Life Skills | Teen Ink

Feedback for Youth Lack Life Skills

December 2, 2013
By Anonymous

In the points of view article, “Youth Lack Life Skills” written by Brielle Black, Black discusses about the adaptation from high school to going to college and living out in the real world. I totally agree with all of Black’s opinions stated in this article. When students finish high school they must adapt to living in the real world and learn how to get along on their own. If students do not have simple life skills, like being able to cook, change a flat tire, or sew, the transition is going to be much more difficult. Black also states, “In the long run, a student’s SAT and ACT scores are not everything.” After school, Test scores are not going to help you very much when trying to land a real job. Black states that not too long ago a life skills class was required in all high schools. Black also mentions how she believes that course should still be mandatory today. I also agree that a life skills course should be mandatory in all high schools, because it teaches students to be more self-reliant rather than relying on others to always be there to do everything for you.

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