A Classification of students | Teen Ink

A Classification of students

December 6, 2013
By Throwaway88 BRONZE, Peoria, Arizona
Throwaway88 BRONZE, Peoria, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Classification Essay

Students, everyone was one at one time or another, whether they like to admit it or not. And most fit into one of three categories. First, the goody two shoes, this student always studies, offers to answer questions in class and is generally the one everybody goes to for answers. Second, the slacker, no one really knows why he hasn’t dropped out yet, he doesn’t participate at all, never does homework and sleeps most of the time. Lastly, you have the epitome of mediocre, the average student, not really accepted by either of the above two this student will do his assignments most of the time, sleep minimally and participate sometimes, but not to much. These three archetypes of the student tend to make up a majority of schools. Eventually as these school-goers mature into adults they will follow the same paths that lead them through high school.
The Goody Two Shoes :
This student is always prepared and has the one of the higher class ranks and GPA. This student never gets into trouble and would rather be caught dead than sleeping and just loves school. Another thing this student has made a hobby of is making everyone else look bad, no matter the case if you are the average Joe whatever you do will be blown out of the water by this particular student. If you have no clue about a question on homework or maybe a tricky question on a test no doubt about this student will know the correct answer. This student will also spend most of his or her free time for school related activities such as studying or at tutoring. This student is the one everybody has high standards for and seems that will go farthest in life.
The Slacker :
Clearly as the name suggests this individual has no interest in maintaining a passing grade in any class and has no real apparent goals for life. As said nobody really knows why this person still attends school and how they keep advancing grade levels is an unsolvable mystery to everyone (including themselves). This person is swept often, never turns in homework and is almost always asleep. This is also the student who fails a test and takes it in stride, no work or attemt to improve is ever made (or ever will be). This is the person everyone has low expectations for no matter the class. Many people (and often the person himself or herself) know they are not going far.
The Average :
This students grades are never excellent but certainly are not the worst. Most often projects and assignments will be procrastinated until the very last moment (definitely not this paper) as will studying. Sometimes this student will sleep but only when they deem necessary. This student possesses the skills to achieve that of the goody two shoes but for some reason has elected not to for reasons most of the time pertaining to laziness. They will participate every so often in class but not so much as to be noticeable. Most times no one expects much from these students but occasionally one will pull through with something amazing, be it a project or a test with no wrong answers. The whole goal of this student is to put in an average amount of work and achieve average grades so as to get through high school with relative ease. This category is the popular because the requisites can be filled with little to no effort.

Often times the categories listed above provide a previews into the person’s life. Most times people do not change and follow their paths from high school, for better or worse. These categories also apply to life in general, you have those who live to their potential, those who just scrape by on the seat of their pants, and those who have chosen to give up and not even try.

The author's comments:
Its a classification of myself and other students

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