Major Problems of Gossip | Teen Ink

Major Problems of Gossip

January 8, 2014
By Jheirian M BRONZE, Washington, District Of Columbia
Jheirian M BRONZE, Washington, District Of Columbia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I know everyone has spread a piece of gossip around. I believe gossip starts major problems But why? Because it starts fights they want to see or be in, make small problems become bigger, and to make someone hurt themselves because of rumors. Some people don’t take gossip serious. They do it to get an reaction or even think it’s funny. Gossip can hurt others badly, inside and outside.

A major problem gossip can start is violent fights. Someone can spread around that they want to fight you to other people. For example, at KIPP DC, in the 8th grade when girls start to not like each other one of the girls always end up telling the whole grade or their whole homeroom they want to fight the other girl and having other people to jump in it. Last week, my best friend and another girl were suppose to fight because they had a disagreement and did not like each other. Other people started to jump in the situation because the other girl told all these people. Also, some one can get really mad about gossip and might start a fight. For example, there was an video with two girls in it and one girl name, Sharkeisha, got so mad, she punched the other girl in her face and she knocked her down. That fight was recorded and put all over the internet, to be specific, Vine, Instagram, and World Star Hip Hop. All this shows how gossip can start major problems, such as violent fights.

In addition, gossip starts to make problems bigger than what they originally were. Other people can get involved. For example, there is a problem in the 8th grade and everyday more people get involved and put more into the situation. The situation is now bigger than what it already was. More people that were not even in the problem at first are now getting into violent fights with people who were initially in the problem. The problem gets even bigger because more sides of the story gets added. For instance, in the Sharkeisha video, many people started saying that the girl that got beat up by Sharkeisha killed herself because the video went on World Star, and that made the situation on Sharkeisha go all around from city to city. So, when people started saying that Sharkeisha made the girl do that, the whole thing got even bigger.

Lastly, gossip makes people hurt themselves from the rumors spread around. For example, my cousin’s girlfriend was talked about all over a social network called, Bianca, my cousin’s girlfriend, started to cut herself. When you gossip, things such as cutting yourself happen. Gossip causes people to kill themselves. For example, someone who was close to my cousin overdosed on pills because people were spreading rumors about her. These things can hurt a person badly. People don’t even think about it. Gossip has hurt a lot of people I know or have known once before. Gossiping is like a form of bullying, if you connect the reactions to bullying and the reactions of gossiping together.

I understand that gossiping about others can make you feel superior to others who won’t give you an reaction. I understand that gossiping may be funny to certain people but for real , its not! None of that gossiping stuff is going to get you to and through college and it’s definitely not going to make you look cooler. Gossiping is not cute. Say one of your family members or close friends had gossip spread around about them, and they got hurt badly because of the gossip. Your reaction is going to be sad maybe even mad. But, yet you do it yourself. You actually see how it feels when someone you are close to gets hurt. Therefore, stop the gossip unless you want it to happen to you.

The author's comments:
I wrote this piece because I see gossip happen all the time in everyday life. I hope all of my readers take my advice and not gossip about others. Just to make life better for everyone.

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