Arrowhead is cooking up some new cultures | Teen Ink

Arrowhead is cooking up some new cultures

January 20, 2014
By Juli_22 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
Juli_22 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The pots and pans are being pulled out for an exciting class: World of Foods.
In this class, you will travel to many different countries and learn all about culturally interesting foods.
China, Japan, and Europe are only a few of the cultures you will learn about while also tasting and enjoying the different cuisines.
This class lasts one semester and is held every other day for two class periods and is taught by Diane Ehlers.
Students enjoy this class because it provides them with a chance to experience a new culture and also learn new cooking techniques.
This class goes through the differences and similarities between America and the other countries food cultures.
Students learn the basics of cooking foreign foods and actually cook the foods they learned about.
They create a buffet of foods for everyone in the class to sample and it’s wonderful because even if you dislike the food, you will always remember participating in cooking food from around the world.
This class also helps students learn important information about cooking so they will be able to cook for a future family or guests.
If I were to rate this class on a scale of one to ten, I would have to rate it an eight, only because there are a few boring class periods and not so well planned labs within the semester.
Other than the few classes that weren’t all that exciting, it was a very stimulating, factual class I enjoyed very much.
When you think about food, you think about American foods: greasy, but delicious. But what you experience in this class is how non-American foods can taste just as delicious.
Foods from around the world are at Arrowhead right now, so consider taking a vacation with this class, and join right now.

The author's comments:
I was thinking about the class that I took this past semester and how others cooks would enjoy trying it out.

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