Finishing a Book | Teen Ink

Finishing a Book

January 24, 2014
By MegoMyEggo GOLD, Solomons, Maryland
MegoMyEggo GOLD, Solomons, Maryland
16 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Though I know that not everyone reads for enjoyment, those who do love to read know the sadness that comes after finishing a book. When you’re reading a book, it becomes another voice in your life, maybe a consoling voice or a voice that provokes laughter. If you become attached to a book, then when it’s over, it’s almost like losing a friend.

I remember one of the first times I read a long chapter book, probably around the third grade, that I had checked out of the school library. I was enjoying myself so much that I didn’t want the story to end, but of course it did. I read the last page, closed the book, and looked around my room. I had a terrible feeling of loss and, yes, I cried. It seems pretty silly now, I could have just read it again! But at the time I just couldn’t see past the present (like most children).

Now that I’m older, I obviously don’t have a meltdown every time a book I’m reading comes to a close. I still feel a little sad, but I’ve found a way of negating, or at least stalling, the moment the story is over. I tend to read series now, maybe because the books I like or am interested in just happen to have more than one installment, but also perhaps because after I’m done, the voice and characters are waiting to pick up their tales once more.

Even if you haven’t had this experience with a book, I’m sure that it occurs through other medias as well. Maybe a movie or TV series provides this emotion. Whatever it is, loss is a part of life that we all need to become acquainted with. Every time I pick up a new book, I’d like to believe that there will always be another page to turn to, or another chapter untouched. But the truth is that nothing can last forever, nor should there be, and the only thing we can do is enjoy things while we can, and never take anything we love for granted.


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