Working with others | Teen Ink

Working with others

January 31, 2014
By CaidenCleveland BRONZE, Fort Worth, Texas
CaidenCleveland BRONZE, Fort Worth, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

At some point in your life you have to do group work. Whether you like it or not, you have to face it. They both have their ups and their downs which leads you to decide which to go for. Teamwork helps with brainstorming new ideas since your putting your minds together for one common purpose. Henry Ford made it clear, " If everyone is moving forward together, then sucess takes care of itself." Working together proves difficult for some but in the end, its worth everything. Usually when you work in groups its on big projects, so you can ghet work done more efficiantly. If you are the one who sees the bad side of groups, just think that later on it will help you develop usefull skills. Based off this, you can see working in groups is just a big frat party with a little work thrown in to ruin it.

The author's comments:
had to do it for school

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