The Strength Of Women | Teen Ink

The Strength Of Women

February 1, 2014
By Anonymous

Whoever said that women aren't strong, has never met a woman. They are so much strong then men give them credit for. They might not all be physically strong. But I have never met a woman, who did not have inner strength, the strength that keeps the world moving. Women have strength that surprises me. They carry heavy burdens in their hearts. They smile and laugh, when they are breaking inside. They keep love in their hearts, when men try to break them. They dance through the storms of life, and through the sunshine. Women smile not because they are happy, but because they are alive, and that is a beautiful thing. Women don't let anyone hold them down. They don't always think that they deserve love, but they do. They deserve more than they get. Life knocks them down, but they get up, every time. They never stop fighting, they never give up. They get hurt, but they keep moving forward. They are beautiful, and fierce. Like roses they are beautiful, but they have thorns to protect themselves. Just like chess, they are the queens that protect their kings. Women are warriors.
A note to the warriors:
Don't let anyone stop you from flying. It is never too late to fly. Let heart heart soar. You have a beautiful soul, don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Don't just exist. Live your life. Be free. No can free you, from your cage, but you. You are worth saving. Break your cage!

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