Constant Math Homework | Teen Ink

Constant Math Homework

February 14, 2014
By ljn19 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
ljn19 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
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Dear Teen Ink Editor,

I don't really get why North Shore Middle School has so much math homework. They say you only have five problems but really, there are about three more problems inside each problem, so you are doing about fifteen problems every night. I know its nice to show your work but North Shore makes you show your work on every problem or else you don’t get a perfect grade on it. I mean, it takes me almost the whole night to do my homework and it really annoys me. And as the chapters go on, they are adding one more problem and about six problems in two problems, come on, to teachers realize we have a life outside of school? I hope the school changes this problem.


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