Persuassive essay | Teen Ink

Persuassive essay

February 20, 2014
By Chloewhitlocks BRONZE, Poulsbo, Washington
Chloewhitlocks BRONZE, Poulsbo, Washington
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

According to Cbs news “Every day, nearly one-third of U.S children ages 4 to 19 eat fast food, which likely packs on about 6 extra pounds per child per year and increases the risk of obesity, a study of 6,212 youngsters found .” Because of the fact that fast food restaurants are fast, on the go, and is pretty much impossible to find a fast food on the way to work or school people are going to them almost every day , That’s the reason that the obesity rate is high and why we the people are unhealthy. Fast food restaurants should lower the oil amounts used to fry foods, stop asking people if with only a few more dollars they would like to supersize there meals. And they should lower the salts, calories and make smaller portions. Other than that small list on the menu they have that has a little bit of calories there is nothing else there trying to do to stop this obesity.
Fast food restaurants should lower the salts and calories because its causing kids and adults to eat too much of the sodium ,salts and calories, have disorders, and become obese. “A McDonald's meal of a quarter pounder with cheese, medium fries, and a medium vanilla milkshake comes in at 1,745 calories – almost 90 per cent of a woman's daily limit.” Says Eating one meal from a fast food resturant and it taking up 90% of your daily limit is not good. If I were In that predicament I would not eat the rest of the day and risk hurting my body and stunning my life span, but that is not good for you either. According to studies we should be eating 5 small meals a day or 3 regular meals and a woman should only be eating at an average of 2,000 calories per day and a man should have an average of 2,500calories a day! This also depends on your current weight and the activities you do. And even getting a small item like a large fry is 700 calories which even for a small meal you’re at risk for obesity cause of all the calories you’re eating. As reading through this I’m sure you agree with me that the salts and calories at fast food restaurants should be lowered.
Fast food restaurants should stop asking people to “super-size” there meal because the price difference for a larger meal isn’t that much more expensive. So it entices the customer to get the better deal for more food. With the economy being bad a customer is always going to look for the better deal. This “better deal” at the time becomes unhealthy because now the calories go up on the meal because of the bigger portion. A small fry would be 230 calories but if they supersize there meal to a large its 500 calories so just in the fry difference that’s 270 calories more.

The author's comments:
I am doing this for English Im not done I hope u like it so far:)

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