Comic Section | Teen Ink

Comic Section

February 14, 2014
By McKenzieReich BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
McKenzieReich BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Dear Teen Ink,

I really love your magazine and the fact that it’s entirely written by teens. I also really like that you have a non-fiction and fiction section, which allows readers to learn about real experiences and enjoy fictional stories. There is one thing that I think would make your magazines even better, and that is to add a comic section.

The comic section would be full of comical stories, articles, and comic strips made by teens, which will let teens be even more creative.There is a lot of reasons why Teen Ink should have a comic section. One of these reasons is to lighten up the whole mood of the magazine. Teen Ink has a lot of outstanding stories and articles that are somber and serious. By adding a comic section, it would definitely lighten up its entire mood. Also, Steve Wilson, a psychologist and laugh therapist said, "I believe that if people can get more laughter in their lives, they are a lot better off, and they might be healthier too." If you were to add the comic section, it would provide laughter for your teen readers, and as stated above, laughter has overall great benefits for a person. By adding a comic section, it might also increase readership.
As you can see, there are many reasons why a comic section would be valuable to your magazine. It would lighten up the entire mood of Teen Ink, and it would give funny stories that teens would certainly love to read. I hope you take my idea into consideration. I want to thank you for making such a great magazine!

The author's comments:
A request to have a Comic section.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Mar. 3 2014 at 8:59 pm
This is an amazing I agree that it will lighten the mood of the whole magizine! Good idea1