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February 14, 2014
By Kaitie_Garcia BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
Kaitie_Garcia BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
~I'd rather live my life with"all well's"than live it with"what if's"~

Dear Teen Ink,

Your magazine is awesome. I love to read stories from people who have submitted their work to share with all of us through your magazine. Although I come to find some tips to make your magazine more readable and entertaining.

One thing I came across is color. Me being a teenager and all I get bored easily, so if there was bold colored titles or backgrounds then it will be hard not to look at the story. Another thing I would change would be the hooks. I always find myself looking at the hooks and finding one that sounds good, so i might skip an amazing story all because the hook isn’t so good.

Other than my suggestions I love your magazine. It never fails to impress me. Keep up the good work!


The author's comments:
My com arts teacher inspired me. Writing has always been something I love and if this gets published it will be a dream come true.

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