Hazed and Confused | Teen Ink

Hazed and Confused

March 1, 2014
By NolanF BRONZE, Oswego, Illinois
NolanF BRONZE, Oswego, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 2 comments

????! Gulp! ???? pronounced Pino means drink in English. Here we see hazing beginning to occur. Hazing began with the Greeks in around 1600 B.C. The Greeks liked their liquor and at a parlor or bar, they forced people new to their parties, to drink large amounts of alcohol, causing them to pass out and sometimes die (Greek Forum 1). Sadly, hazing still continues today and threatens the lives of many Americans. Many people believe hazing cannot be stopped because it has been along for so long. Many people do not realize the small measures that we can take to prevent hazing. We as Americans need to be more aware of the groups we join, monitor our peer's behaviors and tell someone if we have been hazed.

To begin, those who say hazing will not stop often do not think about measures that can be taken to prevent hazing from occurring in the first place. For example, if a college student is interested in a social organization, they should ask around the campus to see if this club is safe. If the student receives information that the club hazes members, he can simply tell the police who can punish these students. There are also alternative options for college students who are worried about a possible hazing occurrence. Anti-hazing groups are out there and many college students enjoy a fun group without having to worry about a possible hazing incident. However, an estimated 55% of college students that joined a club have admitted to been hazed (Babson Web 1). This staggering percentage results in over 100 deaths from hazing each year (Hazard 24). If People choose to ignore the outcomes of hazing and simply put hazing aside do not realize the harm it is causing our country.

In addition, parents need to make a better effort to ensure their child is not being hazed. Hazing is beginning to start earlier in the lives of children and teens. Stories have come out Jr. High students being hazed on a sports team or other clubs. We must stop hazing before it starts early in a child's life. If a parent suspects their child has been hazed, they need to begin checking the child's social media and text messages. Information is easily transferred by a cell phone that a ritual or hazing act will occur at a certain time. With these random phone checks put in place, a parent has a better chance of catching a possible hazing situation before it occurs. Many adults cannot even control themselves when using social media and texting. Dolphin's offensive lineman Richie Incognito sent racial slurs and life threatening text messages to fellow offensive lineman Jonathan Martin. The hazing continued as Incognito forced Martin to buy gifts such as jet skis for fellow teammates and pay for large dinner bills (Associated Press 1). This type of hazing cannot be tolerated and adults should be the role models for young athletes. If teens are not monitored when using their phones, they will be easily subjected to hazing and other dangers of the world.

Also, people who have been hazed need to let their parents or the police know if they have been hazed. Those who haze need to face consequences for their actions. Nine out of ten college people that have admitted to have been hazed, say they never told a leader on campus or teacher of the hazing that occurred( Hazard 42). Hazing can be avoided if the person who is being abused steps up and tells someone. Although it may seem "uncool" to "rat" on the group, hazing cannot be taken as a joke. Many who suffer from hazing without telling someone suffer from mental illnesses or thoughts of suicide (Newer 32). There are hotlines out there for hazing and there are people who are willing to aid those who have been hazed. You don't always have to fit into a group, especially if the activities the group participates in, makes you feel discomfort.

As a final point, hazing is never the way to feel welcomed when joining a group. Groups must be investigated before joining, parents must monitor their kid's communication with their peers and hazing victims must communicate their problem. Hazing is a growing issue in our nation and must be put an end to before the problem is out of hand. A? ??????? ??? ????? ?? ???? ??? ?????????e or let's put an end to what we started, as the Greeks would say.

The author's comments:
Those who simply want to join a group or club should not have to deal with hazing.

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This article has 2 comments.

NolanF BRONZE said...
on Mar. 8 2014 at 5:18 pm
NolanF BRONZE, Oswego, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 2 comments
Greek* words not greel lol

NolanF BRONZE said...
on Mar. 8 2014 at 5:17 pm
NolanF BRONZE, Oswego, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 2 comments
The words in ??? are greel words, as the greeks were the fisrt to haze.