Live rich or die young | Teen Ink

Live rich or die young

March 18, 2014
By BroookeBayy SILVER, Centerville, Iowa
BroookeBayy SILVER, Centerville, Iowa
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

If you had the choice to be rich but die young or live a normal life and die old which would you

If I had the choice I think I would live a normal life and die old because money can't by you happiness if I chose to live rich and die young I wouldn't get to see my kids have kids or watch any of them grow up I would miss all the important things in their life such as graduating high school, getting married, and having children. I would rather live a normal life so I could have kids and watch them grow up and then watch their kids grow up. I want to be able to get old and bake cookies with my grandchildren and do other fun things. I want to be able to spend my holidays with my family.

No matter what I think spending time with family is more important then having all the money in the world because you never know what you have until its gone so I would rather cherish every moment I have with them. Id rather be poor and have family instead of being rich and dieing young I would miss out on a lot of opportunities. If I chose to live rich and die young I would be able to do a lot of things and by nice things such as things I wouldn’t be able to afford if I lived a normal life I could travel the world if I was rich. I mean I would have fun if I was rich but what I am trying to say is money can't by happiness.

Being able to actually to see my grandchildren grow up is what I would rather do then probably dieing at a young age. I could always work really hard to get the things I want in life instead of just pretty much being rich I want to have the satisfactory of knowing I earned it and I can do anything if I set a goal.

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