weird | Teen Ink


March 18, 2014
By Anonymous

There are a lot of things that are weird to me! Things such as, why is the sky blue? Do we really know why the sky is blue. Is it blue? I know that somebody somewhere could probably explain this, but we can still all ask ourselves, why. Also, why do people like different things? Why do we all have different tastes in things? We should all like the same things. But i guess our brains are all wired differently so we all like different genders and colors and foods. FOOD! Food is weird. I know that we need food in order to survive and all, but its weird. Who came up with the idea of mixing different ingredients together to make some weird recipe that tastes good. Also the different textures. Why do some foods have a different texture than other foods? Some food is soft and chewy, some food is hard, some food in really really almost disgusting chewy, and some food melts in your mouth. Thats weird.

Working out is also weird. Just the idea that if you lift weights your muscles will grow, which in turn makes your body grow. So if you think about it, we have the ability to change and create how we want to look. Amazing! If you want to look like a bodybuilder, you can. It doesnt mean that its going to be easy and that its just going to come to you, it will take a lot of hard work and dedication, but you can do it if you want to. That is so weird. But its awesome! How did somebody figure that out? one day while working in the field the farmer just started getting really buff and so people started just working out? Weird.

Another thing thats weird to me is school. Not just school but the brain. how do we have the ability to learn and retain knowledge. Thats crazy. Its crazy how the brain works. But why does it work like that. How does it work? We tell it to move our legs and walk and it does it. Why does it do it? Now i know that there are so many different explanations as to why that works, but why does it work that way! That is so weird to me.

Many things are weird in the world. The sky, snow, food, the concept of working out and learning, our brains and many more things. I guess one day these things won't be weird, but for now, they will forever in my heart be weird.

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